As part of our full-service approach to project development and delivery, R&M offers Planning Services. Our expert planning staff enjoys working collaboratively with clients, whether the project is a 20-year transportation plan update, a comprehensive trails plan update, a housing feasibility project, a non-motorized project, a conditional use for a new public facility, or an update of a park master plan. We are adept at navigating the municipal, state and federal process to keep important projects moving forward, meeting our client’s goals and budgets, while balancing the desires for an enhanced quality of life and livable community.
R&M’s planning expertise includes:
- Multi-Modal Transportation Planning and Implementation
- Development Feasibility Studies and Reports
- Context-Sensitive Solutions (CSS) Policy for Transportation Projects
- Parks, Open-Space, Trails and Recreational Facilities Planning
- Land Use Planning
- Corridor Plans and Studies
- Downtown and Community Plans
- Area-Specific and Master Planning
- Site Selection Studies
- Neighborhood and District Plan Development
- Land Use Code Compliance
- Permitting Applications for Conditional Use, Zoning and Platting