R&M performed a 135-acre hydrographic survey on the Kuskokwim River at Bethel. Multibeam data was acquired in much of Kuskokwim River section, including areas critical for barges along the City and fuel docks. Single beam data was acquired in shallow areas important for local skiff traffic.
RTK positioning and real-time data coverage were monitored during the survey, while Post Processing Kinematic solutions were computed for final results. Deliverables were referenced to Mean Lower Low Water and included digital and paper plots generated with AutoCAD and cross sections cut from the 3D surface.
R&M is contracted to perform a repeat survey for monitoring in 2024.
R&M performed a hydrographic survey for a section of the Kuskokwim River to monitor depths and sediment transport to ensure barges and vessels have adequate depths to safely navigate to/from the City dock and fuel dock.

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