Tim Cowie, LSIT, a Land Surveyor at R&M, successfully earned his Land Surveyor in Training (LSIT) Certification.
Cody Gibson recently joined R&M as a Remote Sensing Specialist in the firm’s Geomatics Department. In this role, Cody will conduct hydrographic surveys in support of nearshore and freshwater projects.
Craig has 26 years of surveying experience in a wide range of services. He will work as project manager and lead surveyor responsible for collecting, processing and mapping survey data .
The Danby-Wembley Roundabout in Fairbanks was constructed to alleviate above-average vehicle crashes in the intersection of Danby and Wembley Streets (a two-way stop).
AJ brings 20 years of surveying experience to R&M, with 15 of those years in Alaska. He is experienced in all types of surveys.
INTERIOR ALASKA VETERANS CEMETERY The Fairbanks area has the second densest population of veterans in Alaska, with an estimated 11,000 veterans residing within a 75-mile radius of the Fairbanks North Star Borough. These Alaskan veterans have limited options for burial in the state, both far from home. The nearest dedicated veterans’ cemetery is 350 miles […]
After more than 13 years of working as a Civil Engineer in two states and a foreign country, I am still amazed by the diversity of this career field and it continues to humble me. Case in point – conceiving, planning and executing a truck trial in Alaska’s interior for an audience not necessarily as […]