On July 27, R&M’s clients, employees, families and friends descended on the Anchorage Golf Course to golf, have fun and support the Volunteers of America (VOA) Grandfamilies Network Program. 88 individuals participated in this year’s annual charity tournament, generously donating to the program. A record-breaking $5,410 was raised, a new fundraising level for the tournament.
“Unfortunately, many of us know grandparents who for some reason are raising their grandchildren. I have a sister-in-law who is raising her granddaughter after losing her daughter to a drug overdose. The emotional and financial strain of raising another child after yours are grown and gone can be enormous. The Grandfamilies Network Program provides resources to support these families, which must have resonated with our golf tournament attendees. This year, we raised the highest amount since we started donating tournament proceeds to local non-profits.”
Andrea Story, CPSM – Vice President, Marketing and Business Development
The Grandfamilies Network Program is a one-of-a-kind, statewide support program for grandparents raising their grandchildren. In Alaska, there are more than 5,000 grandparents raising 8,500 grandchildren who are often the primary caregivers for their grandchildren. This program provides ongoing support groups, informational campaigns, case management, financial assistance, a lending library, a statewide newsletter and a toll-free hot line for counseling and referrals for these families.

R&M has held an annual golf tournament for many years. In 2010, the company decided to have the event benefit a designated local non-profit. Over the past nine years (2010-2018), the golf tournament has raised more than $35,000 for local groups. Past charity organizations include Big Brothers Big Sisters of Alaska, Breast Cancer Focus, Parks for All, Healthy Futures, Children’s Lunchbox, Anchorage Park Foundation and the Erin K. Johnson Memorial Fund.
2018 Team photos can be found on our Facebook page!
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